Introduction to case and application scenarios

Cases and application scenarios
  • China Coalbed Methane Utilization Demonstration Project Zhonglian Coalbed Methane Co., Ltd. Coalbed Methane Extraction Power Machine


    中联煤层气有限责任公司(简称中联公司)是1996年3月国务院批准组建的、全国唯一的煤层气骨干企业,在国家计划中单列, 享有对外合作开采煤层气资源 的专营权。中联公司的股东是中国石油天然气股份公司和中国中煤能源集团公司。 2006年我公司与中联煤层气有限责任公司签定产品开发合作协议,就合作开发便携式煤层气发动机用于煤层气抽气动力事宜达成一致。 该产品广泛用于煤层气、油田生产作业,将有利推动中国煤层气产业的发展,对中国能源充分利用和环保有着积极的意义。 该产

  • The first clean development mechanism implementation project for biogas power generation in China


    A landfill biogas power plant in Nanjing is the first registered landfill gas power generation project in China and the first enterprise in China to complete substantial carbon reduction transactions internationally. This biogas power generation project is also the first domestic landfill gas power generation project that utilizes independent intellectual property technology, is constructed and successfully operated through domestic investment. It has attracted the attention and inspection of national leaders, and has been widely reported by international media. CNN, a cable television news network in the United States, has sent personnel to conduct special reports. The landfill biogas power plant generates approximately 10 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually, equivalent to saving 10000 tons of standard coal.

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